
The 2nd Annual Meeting of the GdR Meca Q has gathered more than 60 attendees around the topics of micro- and nano-opto/electro/mechanical systems, the question of their ultra-sensitive measurement down to the Quantum level and their applications to multiple fields.

This year, our Annual Meeting had the privilege to feature 6 internationally renowned tutorial speakers who have provided an extensive, pedagogic introduction to their respective domains and describe the state-of-the-art, representing a unique opportunity for our audience including a number of graduate students and postdoctoral researchers.

With a quite dense schedule, including 15 contributed talks, the Meeting has been a great occasion for multiple exchanges amongst researchers with very diverse and complementary technical and scientific backgrounds, including quantum optics, quantum optomechanics, nano-optomechanics, semiconductor quantum dots, hybrid quantum systems, nano-mechanics, Brillouin scattering, nano-plasmonics, electromechanics, many-body physics, metrology, 2D materials...


An important headline of our meeting has been our "Pizza & Posters" session which we have jointly organized with an exposition (MyCryoFirm and Qnami), including a demonstration of the Pyrpl concept from his co-founder Dr. Leonhard Neuhaus, which has raised a keen attention from our attendees. 15 posters were competing for the Best Poster Award, which has been attributed by a jury composed of Dr. Aude Martin (Thalès Research), Dr. Andrew Fefferman (Institut Néel, CNRS) and Pr. Dr. Thomas Antoni (LPQM, Ecole Centrale Paris). The Prize, consisting of 2 FPGA hardware boards (ca. 260 euros each)  has been awarded ex-aequo to Dr. Laure Mercier de Lepinay (Postdoc at Institut Néel, CNRS and soon moving at the University of Aalto in the group of M. Sillanpää) for her work "Multimode nanomechanics in non-conservative force fields", and jointly to Rui Zhu and Giuseppe Modica (PhD students at C2N, CNRS) for their work "Integrated optomechanically driven photonic crystal cavity". Our warmest congratulation to them!

Below you will find a gallery of our Meeting. We warmly thank the Ecole Normale Supérieure for hosting our meeting, the CNRS for financial support, our invited tutorial speakers for their availability and unique pedagogy, all the colleagues who have greatly helped with chairing the sessions, Pr. Dr. Thibaut Jacqmin, Dr. Samuel Deléglise, Dr. Jean-Philippe Poizat and Pr. Dr. Thomas Antoni and all the attendees and speakers for making this a great event and hope to see you again at the next edition in 2018!

The Organizers


Room L367, Wed. 13th Dec., during the tutorial presentation of Pr. Dr. Alessandro Siria


Pr. Dr. Siria giving a tutorial talk on Molecular Rheology and Plastic Dissipation at the atomic scale


Pr. Dr. Martino Poggio during his tutorial talk on Mechanical Sensing of Nanomagnetic Systems


Pr. Dr. Thibault Jacqmin (Chair) and Pr. Dr. Eva M. Weig during her tutorial talk on Strongly coupled nanomechanical resonator modes.


 Pr. Dr. Eva M. Weig during her tutorial talk .


Dr. Sarah Benchabane during her tutorial presentation on coupling nanomechanical resonators via surface acoustic waves.


Dr. Sarah Benchabane during her tutorial presentation.


Dr. Andreas Nunnekamp tutoring on nonreprocity and synchronization in optomechanics


 Pr. Bruno Palpant during his tutorial on localized plasmons


Dr. Alex Tavernarakis presenting his work on nano-optomechanics with hybrid nanotube resonators


Dr. Leonhard Neuhaus introducing his open source software package Pyrpl 


Guilhem Madiot presenting his work on nonlinear dynamics with coupled optomechanical crystals


During the poster session


Dr. Leo Neuhaus demonstrating his Pyrpl interface on a stabilized Michelson interferometer 











 Dr. Leo Neuhaus and his Pyrpl stabilized Michelson interferometer 


 Poster Prize

Prof. Pierre-François Cohadon awarding the Poster Prize (2 FPGA hardware boards) to the three Laureates (ex-aequo from right to left: Dr. Laure Mercier de Lépinay from Institut Néel, CNRS, and Rui Zhu and Giuseppe Modica from C2N, CNRS (jointly awarded))

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